
The last weekend in January I went skiing with Nick over at romandock dot com. I hadnt been skiing in a really long time so I was a bit nervous about going but yet really excited to be going. We got to the slopes and we got all our gear on and we were ready to go skiing. We went outside and made our way over to the the chair lift which was a task in itself because it was hard to get used to the feel of the skis again. Needless to say we got on the chair lift and I freaked out, it went up and up and I thought the chair was supposed to tilt more than it did and of course I was wearing slippery snowpants and it felt like I was going to fall off the chair.

I overcame the fear of the chair lift and when we got off the lift we read the signs on where to go for the easiest slope. The way they had it set up you had to ski toward the slope and the slope started basically right where you got off the chair lift which I wasnt expecting. I made the first slope without falling and then we went to the bunny hill which I found to be more dificult because you had to hold onto a rope and use your arm muscles to get yourself up the slope. The actual slope was super easy. After the slope we made our way to the chair lift again. I wasnt aware that Nick was going to have us go to the next level of slope. The slope turned and I didnt realize that the slope turned and I flew off the path and flipped over and slid backwards and my ski fell off. I thought I was stuck because I couldnt see where Nick was. Then I heard the voice it was a familiar voice it was NICK!!! yay he had come to save me, along with a nice man on a fourwheeler. He had come to ask me if I needed ski patrol, at the time I was still in shock and I didnt know if I was ok or not. Nick helped me get my ski back on and we made our way to the chair lift.

The rest of the skiing experience was pretty normaly up the chair lift and down the slope we did the easier ones more than Nick probably wanted to but since I am inexperienced I felt I should stick to the easier slopes. So that was my skiing trip in a nut shell. I had a great time and I think Nick did also. Falling was not much fun but at least I didnt break anything. Attached are a two pictures from after the experience.
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First Snow Day of 2009…Well Not Really!

Today we had a blizzard warning out for the county in which I live. That being said I woke up this morning and it didn’t look too bad outside so I got ready for work and went on my merry way. I started driving and as I was driving it was getting worse and worse. The visibility wasn’t that good and the roads were getting more and more snowy as I kept on driving. The place that i work at has vehicles that there employees can drive and I use one of these vehicles for my job. I pick up the vehicle and use that to pick up my crew members. When I went to pick up my one crew member I almost got stuck.  As I got closer and closer the visibility was still getting worse and worse at one point you couldn’t see a foot in front of the vehicle. At this point I was quite shocked that the mall hadn’t closed since over half the town was shutting down. By about 10am they were advising no travel but my job was still deciding to open at noon. Long story short I was told I had to be to the mall by noon since the mall was going to be open. At 11:55 when the mall was supposed to be open in 5 minutes the mall manager decided to close the mall. This kind of decision should be one that is made before everyone is told to come to work. The places in the food court had prepared there food. Stores had there employees there, including me that were ready to work even though the weather was not very good and it was hard to get there. Moral of my story, its just crazy that malls stay open in bad conditions and its not very safe that they do that (especially since they were advising NO TRAVEL!). What are everyones thoughts on malls being open in bad weather?

Christmas Season 2008


Here are some random pictures from the Christmas Season. I know that they are kind of late but i am still trying to figure out how everything on my site works.

This album contains 6 photos and 10 comments.

Watches vs. Clocks

Have you ever been at work and someone approached you and asked you what time it was. Well this happens to me all the time at my job. I am constantly getting asked as to what the time is. I work at the food-court of a mall and there are no clocks to be seen. People walking by stop me and say:

“Excuse me do you have the time?”

I find it to be very frustrating because i am walking along trying to get my work done and i get stopped. Now if this were to only happen every so often it wouldntHasn’t everyone joined the revolution of that little thing called a watch. You can buy them in many shapes and colors and they are very fashionable. You can have the time right on your wrist what an invention it is let me tell you. 

Now let me open this up to you, what are your thoughts on watches vs. clocks? Do you think that its frustrating to be constantly getting asked the time when your at work? Or has this ever happend to you while your out and about? Or is this just something that is going to happen from time to time and its not that big of a deal?


Hello and Welcome to my first post ever in the blogosphere. My name is Tammy and until about a year ago I didn’t even know what the blogosphere was. My boyfriend over at romandock dot com introduced me to the blogosphere. At first I was confused as to what blogging was all about. I decided to give it a chance and watch him blog for a few months. (After all this was something that was/is important to him so I should give it a chance right) I began to realize that it’s just another way of communicating with people you may not of met if wasn’t for the blogosphere. I am not sure I know what I am doing but I figured I would give my own website a shot.